震驚了!居然才和 Uncle 互 fo !我以為我們已經互 fo 超久的!!!
雖然現在互 fo 也不晚
@blackjack 還是多得 Uncle 提醒
站長可以在後台幫人修改 ID 嗎?
By 第一千次看到自己 ID 後悔起得完全不俏皮的露露
ルルナ澳門皇家賭場 Ver.
"Gambling is not a vice, it is an expression of our humanness.
We gamble. Some do it at the gaming table, some do not.
You play, you win, you play, you lose. You play. "
— Jeanette Winterson, The Passion.
* 無頭像/無原創嘟文將不會被過 fo ,敬請諒解。