因為我的新歡 film camera store 不賣 Ektar 100,我就去 Google 了一下哪裡有得賣,然後看到了很令我震驚的墨爾本 film camera store 糾葛 看到 Ikigai Film Lab 寫他們不 process 特定品牌的膠片 [1],list 的每一家我都去過⋯⋯
Film Never Die branded film: Film Never Die has a history of using unpaid internships and what we see as the exploitation of international student labour.
We have also had issues in the past with their staff deliberately using a misleading Ebay account to sell us broken cameras.
Walkens House of Film branded Film: The owner of Walkens registered our domain (ikigaicamera.com.au) and redirected it elsewhere, a move we found to be not only disruptive but also requiring official intervention from AUDA to resolve.
雖然知道墨爾本算是澳洲的菲林之城但也沒想到還會打膠片商戰 而且有點好奇他們的 domain 怎麼被別人 register 的,到底指相似的名字還是 literally 他們用的那個 domain name,如果是後者的話雖然對方是很缺德但是你們也不要忘記給域名續費啦
@melatonin 好亂象……原來傳說的 800T(我知道這個編號什麼意思,但真的很像終結者……)就是 kodak 500T 電影片 remjet 啊,我之前看到過,但對 Tungsten 色溫興趣不大。
說的我也想再拍兩卷膠片了,過年回家翻翻,大概還有台 Voigtlander 可以用