Note. This meme is directly plagiarized from another platform without permission. Nor do I care, though.

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Love is great glue. But there is no cement like mutual hate.

The best sign of a healthy relationship is no sign of it on social media.

A committee is a group of people who individually can do nothing but together decide that nothing can be done.

Change is inevitable, except in a vending machine.

Britain is the only country where food is more dangerous than sex.

KOL on your TL: a guy whose brain has nothing, and is eager to share it with others.

@blackjack Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.

@blackjack They should be tied up and roasted like a Siu Ngo.

My lunch tastes awful. I could have made a fortune selling it in my health food store.

Failure is the only thing that you've been successful at.

No matter who you marry, you wake up married to someone else. @AshinaGenichiro

Never marry for money. Divorce for money.

@AshinaGenichiro Love is just a temporary state of craziness curable by marriage.

@AshinaGenichiro You know it's love when you dream of splitting your significant other's throat.

I am not a snob. Ask anybody. Well, anybody who matters.

Americans can eat garbage provided you sprinkle it liberally with ketchup, mustard, chili sauce, or any other condiment which destroys the original flavour of the food.

The other night I ate at a real nice family restaurant. Every table had an argument going.

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